Please, do not hamper a young bird's life by picking it up, and taking it home with you. It is calling its parents to help them in locating it.
After fledgling from the nest, the parent birds will keep feeding it, and look out for it, until it will be able to look after itself.
And the reason you cannot see a parent is because of your own proxomity to the young bird. And while you are ebating if or not you should take the bird home, you keep the parent from giving it well needed nutrition in the form of a meal!


The photos on this blog are all taken by me. If there is any picture you might want to use for any other than personal use, please drop me a line to the email address shown in the sidebar on the right.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas pondering

With everyone, but us, getting ready for Christmas, I put up my Christmas card on Wildlife on Wheels, but JJ asked me to put up his message too, so here goes:

And from me too:

I hope 2009 will be a good year to all species, avian and Terra/aquatic alike and for us humans too. Perhaps we will use this year to start thinking of what ew are actually doing to uor lovely planet and those which share it with us?

Or am I too hopeful? Course I am. unfortunately.

Mind, I am hoping that the promises made to me by two nature sites, of getting another path or trail accessible to our wheels, will not be in vain. And that indeed we can go an have a look there.


  1. JJ is very clever being able the write such things :-) Here's to another year of wildlife watching Yoke

  2. Aww, that JJ is such a smart fellow. I too hope that more people start to realize what we are doing to the planet. I also hope they get a path made to make it more accessible for your wheels.

  3. Yes, JJ is a lot like me, it seems!

    He's still very much part of the garden (birds) sometimes a bit annoying even. when he keeps feeding.

    Have a wonderful wildlife watching 2009, and let's hope we can view many wonderful art work in this blog too?

  4. A bird that can write - you have trained him well Yoke

    Even more success for you in 2009!

  5. I fear JJ used my speech recognition program, Tricia. Always said Jackdaws' cackling is like gossiping neighbours. (which is what they are -uninvited though-when they are siting on the wall and fence chatting away in their cackles. They do sound like witches sometimes.


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