I can safely say that I've been almost as restless as the bird itself, afraid I'd miss the opportunity to photograph this lovely little creature.
When taking a break from my dishes, so that one bit could dry before the turn of the last bits, I spoted it on its way out, and, looking at the clock, it had been bang on time too, 1pm. So I did not think it would return this afternoon.
Well it did, to my surprise, and although it did not really sit still, this is the best I could do.
The annual Robin fights have started again. Last week two went head to head and it will be a bit calmer next spring, with only two Robins claiming this food source, after I found my third Robin last week.
In spring this year I observed three Robins on my wall.
It is best to understand when you start with picture number one, then go to the next by pressing the right arrow on your keyyboard. This way you can keep looking at the monitor and then you see the small position changes in the birds probably best.
We've now arrived at the usual roster where one Robin comes in to feed, and as soon as it leaves, number two flies in.
Robin One and Two: I don't know which produced it, but every year sees one beautiful young Robin. One of the most beautiful chicks on earth.
One of the Chaffinch females.
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