Getting bored between meals.
Waiting for mum or dad with a juicy insect.
It was too windy to get out along my local patch, and I ended up between the nettles and bramble in my backgarden, as usual, with my macro-lens, to check upon the local crawlies. A lot of chittering made me look up from the foliage, and it was soon clear that the Swallow family had chosen our roofs as vantage point.

The parents kept flying to and fro with nice Insects, Flies or Moths, for the demanding youngsters, and in doing so, they would fly incredibly low over my garden and where I was sitting. Dipping to say 1.50metre or even lower,(I have no idea how "low I've sunk from my 1.70 metre as standing height" to my current "sitting height in my wheels.") they would just skim over my hair. It is lovely feling that over your head. And at a certain moment I left the camera for what she is, and just sat still and enjoyed the spectacle. All too soon, they would leave our shores again.
(To be honest, that time is not long off- the weather has really turned autumnal!