The pair of Collared Doves, Streptopelia decaocto have become very regular visitors. They'll come to feed in the morning at about 11am; lunch is around 3pm, and following this we see them coming again at around 5pm.
They are behaving more and more like a couple of lovesick teens.
the first time when the pair arrived to feed properly in the planter, all the other birds, large and small, flew off immediately, and there was no movement at all. All life had ceased to exist suddenly.
The birds are slowly getting used to having these 2 large birds in the garden and in the feeding station. Most (esp. the little ones) will fly off as soon as they spot one of them on the fence.
The, the Blue and Coal, Tits, tried coming closer to where their suet shells are hanging. This shows that they are at last coming to terms with these new regulars.
Here's some photos of my new friends. I'm trying for another picture; I want to make one of the pair tail to tail. A bit like this, but more exact.
Almost had their position when they were just standing in the reflection of the fridge on the window! They'll get into that position again soon, I hope.
This Jackdaw takes a gamble at entering the planter, I love those typical Jackdaw white eyerings.
Other birds in the garden;
Pied wagtail, Motacilla alba.
Blue Tit, Parus caeruleus
House Sparrow, Passer domesticus (female)
Great Tit, Parus major
Coal Tit, Parus ater.
Song Thrush, Turdus philomelos