After the demise of the Fennel and her planter, the Fatsia underwent a hard time during the winter, providing the birds with a birdtable in her tub. The Fatsia is flourishing again, now that the birds are leaving her alone.
I had been sourcing the web for a new window feeder, but in the end I got this one for just 3.30 euro via Kleeneze.
I had to remove the round peanutfeeder, once I discovered that the birds were able to take out whole peanuts through the wider openings in the mesh. As spring and summer were approaching, young birds could easily choke on those whole nuts. So the seed feeder in the front has now moved back onto the shed and my trusty old peanutfeeder has been reinstalled again in the front.

House Sparrow,
Passer domesticus
This youngster has been dubbed
Francy, named after my dear, and late husband, Francis. He would have loved this little one.

Erithacus rubecula. 
This Robin chick appeared one day in the garden when I was outside and had no fear of me, nor my wheels. He was sitting on top of the wall, calling for mum and dad, while I was just a metre or so away. Even the lifting of the camera or the shutter noise did not scare it off, to my surprise! Mind you, it was very windy.

Collared Dove,
Streptopelia decaocto
The pair of Collared Doves have now increased into a trio of Doves.

Prunella modularis
Blue Tit,
Parus caeruleus
Corvus monedula
Strangely enough, we don't have any young Jackdaws yet. I love their fluffers, and to follow the changes in their eye colour, their plumage and to see the characters develop, so hopefully they will still manage to surprise me with one of those lovely brown fledglings.