Goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis
Siskin, Carduelis spinus
House Sparrow, Passer domesticus
Dunnock, Prunella modelaris
This pair has been visiting the garden. A few weeks ago, we still had 3 of these lovely little birds. I hope it is around here still.
Collared Dove, Streptopelia decaocto
like this Rook, Corvus frugilegus
The Coal Tits keep themself busy with fighting and scaring their reflection in the windows.
The Starlings have discovered that they can feed from this feeder, and often try to do so. The Jackdaws have started using the round feeder at the side of the house. Nicking peanuts out of the feeder whole.
Male Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs
During the winter it looked as if all Chaffinches from all over the village area were descending onto our food, and most of those have stayed put.
Since I haven't any help to put out food onto the shelving on the wall (which served as birdtable during the winter, thanks to Francis, despite the fact that he was very ill already) I have no other choice than scattering it onto the path in the garden, and onto the soil. The disadvantage is that I am now unable to see them from my window. These pictures were taking with the kitchen door open.
The antics of my birds make me smile these days, but inside I cannot help thinking how Francis would have loved to see those moments. Especially in the last weeks, he would hold onto the back of my wheels, to help him stand and watch out of the window, his eyes following the many birds scattering about the garden while his face was showing the pain and agony he was suffering from. Such a pity that the window was way to high to see the birds from a chair.
It is just too difficult thinking of new life this spring while I have just lost such an important person in my life.
And although my application for a PA, as in help, during the day will be reviewed monthly, I don't think I will get one allocated. The application has been denied once, so why would they think different the next time? I'm really fed up with everything, and even finding enough enthusiasm for my photography is difficult at times. With spring and summer coming, this worries me a great deal.
Wren, Troglodytes troglodytes