As I arrived in the garden at Rehabcare, i spotted a bird hopping about at the raised planters. At first I guessed it to be a young Blackbird due to the mottled rusty colour on its back, and because it was too small to be a juvenile Robin, the only other bird whose young would have a similar plumage. Besides, there are lots of Blackbirds (and Robins) about the garden.
It was foraging below the hedge, and as I started taking photos, it turned and showed its breast; showing its true identity immediately> it was a young Song Thrush. And indeed, one (or more) Song Thrush has often been calling or singing whenever I would be outside, taking pictures of whatever I saw or fuond about me.
I love this picture; that typical and innocent look of the young birds.
House Sparrow fledgling. Dad just vanished out of the picture.
Dunnock, Prunella modularis
Magpie, Pica pica
Magpie, Pica pica
There are 3 Magpies now, but 2 of them always stay together.
Jackdaw, Corvus monedula
I'm told that a Treecreeper has been spoptted in this garden. I haven't seen it yet. I'm afraid that it will be in a tree situated off the path, and out of reach. The story of my life!