Jackdaws have these lovely and iconic eyes, I always think. Many Corvids, (Rooks, Raven, Magpies and Hooded Crows, and the Jay have black eyes, which, apart for the Jay, have what look like black eyes, but which can have a lovely blue shine over them.
Rook, Corvus Frugilega
A few pairs of Jackdaws nest in this, and other, chimneys of the --very pink--school next door. For a moment I thought we had a pair too, when I heard some noises up inside the chimney. But that was false alarm.
Most of the birds are busy elsewhere at the moment, courting, building nests, laying eggs, incubating and eventually raising those noisy chicks. It is a kind of calm before the storm; in summer the planter will be packed with mainly little House Sparrows, juvenile Jackdaws and others will try and try and find a bit to eat here too.
Male House Sparrow, Passer domesticus
Female house Sparrows, Passer domesticus
Robin, Erithacus rubecula
Collared Dove,Streptopelia decaocto
Male Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs
The Great Tits and Blue Tits are nesting nearby; the Blues inside a gap in a wall in front of our house. The county council built this wall along the path to our house. If it wasn't there we would fall down the "cliff face" of lime stone. We live on a hill and the garden in front of us, is a few levels below us, halfway the hill. It is a good wall for the birds; at the back is a garden below.
Great Tit, Parus major
Blue Tit, Parus caeruleus
A while back I posted pictures of a Blue Tit with an eye' problem. According to Niall Hatch at Birdwatch Ireland, it looks very much like an eye infection which is common in House Finches in North America.
If so, she'd get blind and as we all know, a blind bird is a dead bird. I am hugely surprised to still see her, and I haven't yet seen any signs of weakening in her. Mind you, it is hard to tell without the aid of photos, which bird is which. If she is the one nesting, then I fear the most for her chicks. I'd never expected her to be alive still. I need to find out more about the infection. Any links, info or whatever is helpful. Below this post is a comment box. Please leave the message there.