Feeding in the planter has become more challinging for most of the birds. Despite a female Blackbird generally bigger in size than the male, this one is very small for a female.
it is himself who calls the shots here most of the time and at that moment the female is downgraded to the level of Chaffinches, Dunnocks, and Robins. I cannot remember when we had this severe frost in December. Here in the SW of Ireland cold weather would usually be restricted to the first two months of the year. So not only for us, but for the wildlife also, this cold weather feels very odd. And although I do not mind the frosty weather as such, it does restrict me in my movements and independence related as such.
Apart from the bossy Blackbirds, the other ones which make themselves heard and seen, are the Wagtail whichwas also forced to feed here in the garden, and its loud shrill call can be irritant to say the least.
Blackbird, (female), Turdus merula.
Introductions start fine and without violence;
But soon tempers flared, and the Wagtail was trying to look bigger than it felt.
(Note the tail which has gone limp suddenly, and compare to the picture above. Fear?)
Blackbird, {male), Turdus merula.
The Dunnock too is being bossed about, and it approaches carefully therefore. I counted 3 of these delightful little birds the other day.
Dunnock, Prunella modularis
Pied Wagtail, Motacilla alba
Robin, Erithacus rubecula
Another bossy specie:
Chaffinch, (female) Frinilla coelebs
Bue Tit, (female), Parus caeruleus
And then the rains and Galeforce winds returned and feathers start flying about again, as this Pied Wagtail shows here:
The only birds not to be phased by the arrival of the Blackbirds are the Corvids. Both Rook and J|ackdaws do not hesitate to show the newcomers the door.