Barn Swallow, Hirundo ristica.
Magpie, Pica pica
Jackdaws have been breeding in the school's chimneys since quite some time now. JJ was born in the 2nd chimney. When I was watching a Jackdaw on the 1st chimney yesterday, from the open door, there was a loud calling of young and hungry nestlings in there. Wonder how many little JJ's are in there, and in the other chimney, were another pair has their nest. I am uncertain about the third chimney. This is on the roof of a later addition, built last summer. I've seen birds there, but were they roosting or nesting? We'll find out soon. I d not see the adults in the garden, that often. It is mainly the 4 youngsters from last summer. JJ and his siblings.
The roof of the national school next door.
The other day I received 2 polling cards(!) which both had the 12th of June as the polling date. The day of elections is however a week earlier, on 05/06/09. So to rectify this the council has sent everyone a letter with the proper date. with each stamp costing them 0.54cent, it just annoys me so much. Even if it was only Cork county which cocked up, even then it has cost them a large amount of money. Do they really have no one checking things?
Lately the local Hooded Crows have been coming in to feed in the garden. Having told here before how hard they are to photograph, these ones (or they might be the same bird) have been very quiet, instead of the fidgety behaviour I see usually.
At the bay I counted 10 birds, they were scattered all over the mud, foraging for small crustaceans,Insects and worms. I think that they need my garden's suppers just as my other Birds need it: a bit of food for the parents, which re-energize their drained bodies, and after they keep on feeding their offspring. And the food which they find in the bay, is a perfect feed for the brood. Whilst here, the seed, oats and nuts, will keep the parents going. (just as I am writing this, at 7.35am, one of the Hooded Crows is watching my open window from the fence. The Magpies are taking advantage of the extras here too, it seems.
The Swallows too are watching from the fence, and Mr. Blackbird comes only to show off the large grub in his beak. Another youngster with a full belly. Pity that I hardly ever get to see the Blackbirds. Winter& Spring 07/08, the female was hardly ever out of my planter, feding on the peanutcake and mixed seeds. Once she packed up to go and start the motherly duties, she left and did not return. A pity for I really liked her.
He, on the contrary, did hardly ever come down to the planter, but would often sit on the fence after foraging in the field below. This spring/summer though, I've hardly ever seen him, so his visit was a surprise.
However I did manage a few pictures for those, who are like me, lovers of the Irish Grey Crow, or, as is their official name, Hooded Crows. Corvus cornix. This is the best season for me to get pictures, in autumn and winter their visits are more hasty and the birds themselves more skittish. There is good news for Jackdaw lovers too.
Hooded Crow, Corvus cornix.
Hooded Crows on the mud, foraging by removing the strands of seaweed. They will pull at the long chains of seaweed, not only by moving their head backwards, but often through walking backwards also. It is great entertainment! Just to get a little idea, I made a little video clip. Unfortunately, the bird flew off almost as soon as I had pressed the shutter to start.