In last autumn I had been at one of my favourite spots along the bay, when I heard a lot of noise and saw a of Geese arriving and spotted them landing onto a small island. It was too far off to see properly, and I was unsure which specie or how many had arrived. I've not seen any migrant Geese this far south in the past 28 years, so it did surprise me.
I tried returning to the spot, after Jean, who used to be my homehelp, reported seeing someone feeding a Canada Goose and a Swan on the grassy outcrop across from the island. Other things on my mind-like a first Christmas on my own, the scare of those first anniversaries coming up, and absolutely horrific weather most of the time, kept me from going back. I was underway many times, but either the rain or too little charge of my batteries, sent me home again!
On the 23rd of January I had a nice ride, and managed to get to the outcrop. A Canada Goose plus Mute Swan, alright. It was feeding right next to the road, which made me think that I would get no photos here; these Geese are quite skittish of people. Stopping well before its position, I took these photos. Which was not easy as there was lots of greenery between us.
It almost looked as if it was a domestic bird. Also, they usually feed in flocks, I think?
All a bid odd. Yet I had heard and seen Geese landing on the island. And I'd never seen it here before. And neither had Jean, who passes the spot everyday.
I have to ask BirdwatchIreland about this. Have they had any reports about a flock this far south?
Two male Mallards, in different stages of their moult, were too busy preening for a few poses, while the Hooded Crow was very happy to give me its best side.